Fenton in Fall

Frequently Asked Questions - Port Crane Seniors

Q: When do you meet?
A: We meet the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Q: Where do you meet?
A: We meet at the Town of Fenton Town Hall, 44 Park St. Port Crane, NY with the exception of June, July, August when we meet at Otsiningo Park.

Q: Do I need to be a resident of the Town of Fenton to attend?
A: No. You can be a resident of a neighboring town and still join our group.

Q: Are there dues or fees to join?
A: Minimal Dollar Amount

Q: How do I join?
A: Simply show up to a meeting.

Q: How do I contact someone with questions?
A: Call Ruth McMullen (607)648-8425 or Donna Church (607)648-6071.

Town of Fenton, New York